In this week’s Showcase Sunday, I would love to introduce you to Alyssa Kindred and her blog, CrimsnMacchiato. I had the opportunity to visit her blog and I love the way that the blog is comforting and inviting. Her coffee cup collection is something to definitely be amazed by, check out her About page to see what I’m talking about. Her witty sense of humor and informative reviews will have you returning again and again. But before you jump over there to her blog, see what she has to say from our interview below.
What made you get into blogging?
I have always been passionate about writing. Growing up, I would write poetry and short stories. As I got older, I developed a love for health and fitness. I always shared my thoughts, ideas, and secrets of success with my friends and coworkers. Every time I would try a new product, it was the same – I loved discussing it with everyone! I started writing on Hub-pages six years ago, and I would share some of my favorite papers, essays, and thoughts. It was a lot of fun and I dabbled with it on and off. I love inspiring people and putting positive energy out into the universe and so, in August of 2016, I made the decision to start an actual blog and write regularly.
What is the story behind your blog name?
When I started in August, I named my blog SassyCatK. It was okay at the time, but I grew tired of it. The name just didn’t fit me, or the blog. I wanted a name that better reflected who I am and one that would set the tone for my writing. I’m known for my bright red hair, it’s my signature, and I love coffee. I am always posting something on social media concerning my deep affection for the caffeinated beverage and I wanted a name to reflect all of that. Several weeks passed of me writing ideas down, trying to come up with something perfect. I had an idea that I loved, but that name was taken by a coffee shop, so I was essentially stuck. One afternoon I was chatting with my husband about it. We had just visited Starbucks the day before, (this was in January) and when it’s cold, I always order a caramel macchiato. I had the holiday cups sitting on the counter next to my little notebook of ideas. Caramel Macchiato would be a great name, but I’m not a brunette and I had my heart set on using the word crimson in place of red. In that moment, my husband came up with crimson macchiato. I fell in love with the name – it was perfect! After a little research, I went to change my Twitter handle, but I had to drop the ‘o’ because there were too many characters. CrimsnMacchiato was born.
Have you ever had any formal training or education in your blog subject?
Ah yes, The School of Hard Knocks. Ha! In all seriousness, I studied psychology, philosophy, the arts, and accounting in college. I also took courses related to health and fitness. But I draw a good portion of my content from personal experience.
What was your greatest failure and how did you learn from it?
Hmm.. I’ve definitely made mistakes in life. Haven’t we all? I wouldn’t say any of them are worthy of the title, “Greatest Failure,” though. I am a firm believer in the idea that everything happens for a reason. From every mistake came a lesson learned, and a sense of clarity. For example, a few years ago, we were in the process of moving. I was at the old house, cleaning stuff up and organizing everything. I was cleaning up a chair that had been in the garage one evening. I must have moved wrong, somehow, because in an instant, I felt a twinge and a lot of pain in my lower back. I managed to make it into the house and lay down on the hardwood floor, where I stayed for a few hours until I could get myself back up. I learned a few lessons from this occurrence. 1. Age doesn’t matter. (I was 26) 2. You are only as young as your spine. (I’ve had back pain off and on ever since.) 3. Be mindful of your movements. 4. Don’t take anything for granted. 5. Find humor in every situation. 6. Have gratitude for the things you can do. 7.Icy Hot is amazing.
Who has influenced you the most with your blog?
My family, for sure. My husband and my son are a constant source of support, inspiration, and love.
How much time do you spend blogging in any given week?
Honestly, I feel like I’m always working on my blog, in one aspect or another. But, 20 hours- ish a week would be a good estimate. Ideas pop into my head at the most random times of the day and I have to jot them down or I’ll forget them completely. And, I always have my camera at the ready because you never know when a photo-op will present itself. A beautiful or unique set of clouds? A gorgeous sunset? An interesting tree? Yes, I just have to snap a few photos!
Is blogging your profession or just a hobby?
It’s has been a hobby that I have treated like a career for the past (almost) year. I would absolutely love to turn blogging into my actual, full-time profession. How cool would that be?
What is your passion?
Family. Writing, of course. Coffee. 😉
Fitness. Tracy Anderson and Yoga are essentials for me. Dancing, and Music. I love all types of music, from Johnny Cash and Fleetwood Mac, to Ryan Adams and Britney Spears. And everything in between! I am always dancing and singing my heart out around the house and in the car, whether I know the lyrics or not. Ha! I love reading – I’m a huge Steven Berry, Ken Follett, and Natasha Mostert fan. And I love learning new things! I try to learn something new every day.
What is your ultimate goal in life?
There’s a quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson I have loved for many years that sums it up beautifully:
“To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.”
What piece of advice have you found helpful that you would like to share with other bloggers?
When I first started, I left a comment on the First Friday post on WordPress. Many people left encouraging feedback, but one lady gave me some advice on aesthetics that stuck with me. She left a comment about the layout of my blog. I love color, and at the time, I had a gray background with blue and white text. I thought it was fun, different, and would stand out. I didn’t realize that it might be hard on the eyes and distract from my writing. She essentially said that simple is best. A white background with black text is elegant and classic, and also easy on the eyes. After reading her comment, I changed my layout right away. I have fun with the text, changing up the font, but I am always mindful of keeping everything simple and readable. It’s easy to get caught up in design, it’s one of the most enjoyable parts of the blog, but can be overwhelming and time consuming. Keep it simple. I also think it’s important to read as much as you can about blogging, keep learning, keep improving. Read other blogs, leave thoughtful, genuine comments, and just have fun.
What legacy would you like to leave behind?
This is a tough one. But for me, as a parent, there is no greater legacy than having my son grow up to be happy, successful, and a productive member of society.
Do you own a unique coffee mug collection?
I am actively working on building up a collection of fun, quirky coffee mugs. The Groot mug is my favorite; it was an early Valentine’s Day gift. I would love to have a Yoda mug! At the moment, I have the large purple one, four dark blue ones that I inherited, and two large white mugs from a parade.
Is there anything you want the readers to know about your blog we haven’t covered?
CrimsnMacchiato is a lifestyle blog. I post weekly inspiration, designed to help everyone live his or her best life (Suggestions are always welcome!) I share my fitness and lifestyle secrets, tips, and tricks; my favorite recipes; product reviews; highlights from my travels and so much more! –all with a dash of humor.
Don’t just take my word for it, please visit her blog and let her know that you saw her here on “Sunday Showcase.”
As always, If you would like your blog to be featured on here, please do not hesitate to email me at and I would love to feature you next Sunday.
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