For this weeks Showcase Sunday, I want to introduce Roberta Pimentel. Her blog was the first that I came in contact with that had guest blogs, and she even allowed me to be one of those guests which you can find here. Some of the other things that I love about her blog is how down to earth it is. It is funny and informative. She truly does capture the audience right away and I want you to check her out. But before you do, read the interview below:
What made you get into blogging?
Well, in 2010 I got in touch with a girl who was blogging and it appeared very fun to me. I started a blog for fun but from 2010 I have begun over and over again. Last year I decided to start a blog with my own domain and just go step by step. Additionally, I give others the opportunity to write guest posts on my blog.
Have you ever had any formal training or education in your blog subject?
I have only read other famous blogs in Norway and around the globe. However, for a few months ago I attended a blogging course where I paid a few dollars but to be honest, I have not learned anything that I did not know from before, but I think many, especially beginners, can get some insights by taking a course.
What was your greatest failure and how did you learn from it?
Believing that I could do everything on my own without any help from others, but I learned quickly that it is not possible to go through life without having backups from good friends and family.
Who has influenced you the most with your blog?
To be honest it is too many who has influenced me on my journey. If I would write a list it would go one forever and that is why I choose to not write names.
How much time do you spend blogging in any given week?
Well, before I did not have a job so I spent like all day long on blogging, but now I don’t use more than an hour a day since the time doesn’t let me. I hope I can start using at least two hours a day when I’m done with my studies.
Is blogging your profession or just a hobby?
Absolutely just a hobby. Blog consumes a lot of time and I don’t have the time to have it as a job since it doesn’t pay my bills. However, no one knows what the future will bring. In the blogging industry, you must meet the right people at the right time.
What is your passion?
Dancing, working out, inspire others and networking.
What is your ultimate goal in life?
For a few years ago I went through a very tough life crisis where I messed up my economy. This has caused some consequences in my life today so I would say that my ultimate goal, for now, is to pay off all my debt. I am working on it and I cannot wait till I am done. When I am done my boyfriend and I want to buy ourselves a house/apartment and I would love to be able to help my family in Brazil as well. I do have many goals and the above-mentioned goals are just some of them haha…
What legacy would you like to leave behind?
Changing other people’s lives is the greatest gift one can get so I would like people to know me as someone who cares for others.
Is there anything you want the readers to know about your blog we haven’t covered?
Right now life is pretty busy and I don’t have time to blog every day, but I give people the chance to write a guest post and if someone of your readers wants to participate they can send me an email at
Visit my blog at
Don’t just take my word for it, please visit her blog and let her know that you saw her here on “Sunday Showcase.”
As always, If you would like your blog to be featured on here, please do not hesitate to email me at and I would love to feature you next sunday.
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