The creator of Mystery Blogger Award is Okoto Enigma…
The Mystery Blogger Award is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates, it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there and deserve every recognition they get.
This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging and they do it with so much love and passion.
Put the award logo on your blog
List the rules
Thank whoever nominated you and provide link to their blog.
Tell your readers three things about yourself
Answer to the questions
You have to nominate some bloggers
Ask your nominees any five questions
I just want to send a special thank you to Bhagyashri for considering my blog as worthy enough for such a nomination. I am touched that someone chose my blog from the millions out there. One of my favorite tag lines of this blog is My Doodle World. It is definitely worth checking out and you can do it right here.
- I am really good at organizing work spaces. It is something that comes very natural and I can complete an organization task very quickly and efficiently. I can surely thank my mother who always said, “Everything has a place.”
- I find myself getting very discouraged about some of my art pieces, but I push myself to publish it anyways, just to find that it is one of my most loved piece by my followers. My advice to you is let your followers convince you that every piece you create is a masterpiece to someone.
- I start my day with music and dancing. I am absolutely not a morning person, but being as though I must start at 5:30am to get the house ready for the day forced me to create an environment that was positive and gave me good vibes for the day. So I wake up, I shower, and I sing!
1.What is your take on TV Series?
I do not have much time to watch tv at all. I find that it is much more enjoyable to actually create something or interact with friends and family. I think that these days people allow their lives to slip by sitting on a sofa. I do not want to be that, I want to strive to always be better. This is not to say that I don’t enjoy the occasional series or movie that may catch my attention, I just chose a different activity most of the time.
2. How do you react when your name is pronounced or written wrongly?
You would think a name like Charity would be fairly easy to keep straight, but I have found that it is most commonly mispronounced as Chasity or Chastity, and is most commonly misspelled as Chasity. I have only met a small number, that I could easily keep on one hand, of individuals that share my name. My take on this is, people no longer respect someone enough to learn how to pronounce and spell their names correctly. There is an entitled group of people that make it very clear they are above all others. I make a point to not only ask someone their name, but ask them about the origin if it is of rare quality.
3. Do you believe in life after death? If Yes, what you wish to be?
I do believe there is life after death but I think of it in a different way. I do not believe in reincarnation, I believe that the life after death is the life created from death. Let me explain. I believe that we are placed on this earth to make a difference and to push the next generation forward in education and questioning their surroundings. I believe that a person lives on in the inspiration they leave in the lives of those around him/her.
4. How many dreams came true? Can you share a major one.
I grew up in a small town in the south. The seasons never seemed to really change. It was warm and sunny almost year round. But there was this particular season, I hadn’t ever experienced. Winter. The coldest it would get in my hometown would still allow for just a light jacket to be comfortable. Since as long as I could remember, I had always dreamed of a white christmas. It wasn’t until after I had turned 19, that my husband at the time was stationed to Ft. Wainwright, Alaska. Even though I joined him in the middle of July, there was a chill in the air I had not experienced before. After getting used to the chill in July, I was able to experience my first snowfall of any significance. It was so magical. I was like a kid standing outside with my arms outstretched and my mouth wide open. It was snow, and in that moment, I felt amazing!
5. Introduce your extra hobby, which you have not mentioned here yet.
I love PC Gaming. I have been playing World of Warcraft since before the first expansion. I have found a guild that is made up of the most amazing people you’ll ever meet. From jugglers, artists, military and bodybuilders, to the kids of those previously mentioned starting a life of their own. This group of people have become like a second family to me. They are always there and we are all friends on facebook and share memories from years of playing this game. I have met the most amazing people and THAT is why I continue to play this beautiful escape.
- What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
- What is the most creative thing you’ve done in your lifetime?
- Do you believe in aliens? Have you ever been visited?
- What is your favorite holiday and why?
- What is the one thing you wish you knew how to do better?
I look forward to seeing all of your answers. Good Luck and God Bless!