I created this pdf page so that you would be able to keep your patterns organized. I’ve looked all over and I have seen a bunch of how-to’s and such, but all of them require expensive notebooks and creating your own squares. Let me just say the one thing I agree with is creating the pattern yourself in each square, as opposed to just printing off the guide. This allows you to practice the pattern as well as putting your own creative touch on each.
So, I took the work out of it. You can print these off on any printer, using whatever paper you choose, and then you can put them together in different way.
Binder – You can create a 3 ring binder specifically designed for your zentangle patterns and step outs. You can create tabs for each letter of the alphabet, or types of pattern (organic, mechanic, borders) or you can simply put the papers in the binder for your own reference.
Expandable File – This is a great way to keep things organized as well. Although the amount of zentangle patterns out there are so vast, you can start small and build up your inventory.
File Folders – If you have the space to make a folder for each letter of the alphabet and have it at your fingertips, I highly suggest this way. You don’t have to punch holes in the paper, You can just pull them out when you want to and put them back easily. Also, once you build up your patterns, you will discover more ways to create storage that fits your space.
Download your Zentangle Pattern Sampler here!
I would love to know how you are going to organize your zentangle patterns. Please comment below!
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