Lunchtime Challenge

So, here I am sitting at my desk again over lunch and of course I have a pen in my hands and I’m drawing on an artist tile. My lunch break is 45 minutes long. If I eat within that time frame, the amount of time I have to draw is much shorter. But I challenge myself over these few minutes to unplug from electronics and be creative.

The first thing that comes to mind, that always comes to mind is flowers. So I start in the center with a circle. As I build out I start seeing multiple types of flowers. Have you ever seen those “What do you see?” pictures, where its either an old woman or a young woman?

This is how I picture this. If I train my eyes onto the center I see a daisy like flower. But the further out I focus, I start seeing lilies at the outermost section.  What do you see in this piece.